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Noragami: Stray God Review-

Volume One

 By Omar "Lightning" Polanco

April 28th, 2016 


Noragami: Stray God is a Japanese Supernatural manga written by Adachitoka, a pair of female mangakas: Adachi, who draws the characters and Tokashiki, who draws the backgrounds. The manga Noragami is licensed in North America by Kodansha Comics.


STORY: When humans are at the lowest point of their existence and don’t know what to do, that’s when Yato comes in to help. Of course there is a price, but of only 5 yen. The reasoning for this is that Yato is a minor god of calamity, and lacking a shine, while trying to become known by granting the wishes of Near Shore dwellers (humans).


While Yato was granting the wish of a Near Shore dwellers, Yato was unfortunately about to be hit by a bus until Hiyori Iki, a Near Shore girl, pushes him out of the way. However, it is Hiyori that gets hit instead. Later that day, when Hiyori wakes up in the hospital to find a that she has a surprise visitor, Yato. In the middle of their conversation, they find out that her spirit sometimes leaves her body. Now, Yato is trying to grant her wish of returning Hiyori fully to her body. With the help of Yato’s new weapon, Yukine, that is made to kill

corrupted spirits their adventure starts.


REVIEW: Noragami is an enjoyable series that brings together Asian mythology with modern-style creativity that seems to blend nicely. The action scenes are amazing; the comedy that they throw in is laugh-out-loud hilarious. The story is very well done as feel as though you really want to see Yato's dreams come true.


The characters are fleshed out so well, all the characters have their own dream and their own tragic past that really shows their true selves. If you want to read something enjoyable and full of continuous story Noragami is the manga for you.

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